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quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013


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Article writing does not have to be hard, and your article does not have to be a masterpiece, I'll give you some shortcuts in the next chapter to help speed up your writing and get you writing about topics you know nothing about, but for now then know your article does not have to be magazine quality.

I have hired writers who have written things which were just incredible, they really knew how to write and I'd love to be able to write like them. But I am just an average person, with average writing skills, I write this guide like I write my articles, friendly and down to earth, it conveys what I want it to but it is no Shakespeare.

In fact I encourage you to write just like you speak, when I read articles that are all pumped up and grammatically perfect and journalistic, then unless it is on a news site, it is a big turnoff. I think most people online prefer down to earth writing as they know it comes from someone like them (of course if your niche is journalism or something like that then ignore everything in this chapter!).

So research your article like I will discuss in the next chapter, then just start writing, write an introduction, a body, and then close off the article, let's look at each part in more detail.

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Keywords: Article Marketing Promotion Secret Online Strategy Tips Earning Email Business Income

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