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terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2013

SECRETS BEHIND GREEN TEA REVEALED: Multi Benefits of Green Tea Surpassed

Retail Price: $65.00
You Save: $63.25 (97%)

In Asia, green tea is quite popular. For many generations, the tea has already been a part of family gatherings and even their day to day lives. There are various reasons why Asian people loved to drink green tea. Aside from its excellent taste, you can also derive some health benefits from drinking green tea. Recently, medical communities and the western countries have recognized the benefits of drinking green tea. There are various reasons why individuals should drink tea and these reasons are found in this article. 

The very first reason is that green tea is something different. You're probably used to drinking soft-drinks, coffee, fruit juices, and other beverages. Green tea is something new that you should try out. It's not everyday that you get to encounter something unique in terms of taste and most specially, very few beverages have health benefits. 

Most Americans drink coffee several times a day and since it contains a larger amount of caffeine, some people are already looking into substituting green tea instead. You will surely enjoy the tea's nutty aroma and its sweet grassy flavor. Although some studies show that green tea also has caffeine, there are now decaffeinated green tea sold in the market. 

Still, if you want to go for the traditional green tea, it would help to know that the caffeine content is lesser as compared to coffee. Some people get jitters and you can avoid this by taking green tea in moderate amounts. Those who plan to stay late or those who work at night should drink green tea instead of coffee to help them stay awake. 

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